I can´t quite understand why some people confuse New Year´s Eve with Ridiculous´ Eve, I mean, you can feel so enthusiactic about the party, but TAKE CONTROL ABOUT YOURSELF, specially about your look!!
i am totaly.... fed up about seeing awful violet eyeshadows made up until eyebrown, people wearing wrong kind of clothes, if you would like to go to a New Year´s eve party, you have to wear some apropiate clothes (night dress, suit.. ) because it is nearly COMPULSORY.
and please, take care about complements, don´t put on everything you have unless you would like to look like a market!!
that´s clear we wear different clothes at this outstaning event, but this doesn´t mean that you were allowed to wear some kind of... "difficult" clothes. Definetely, there are some people who are not able to distinguise between style and ridiculous
( i was thinging of downloading some photos, but i don´t fancy to be so rude with non-style but nice people;) )
Wednesday, November 26
Monday, November 24
Queda prohibido llorar sin aprender,
levantarte un día sin saber que hacer,
tener miedo a tus recuerdos.
Queda prohibido no sonreír a los problemas,
no luchar por lo que quieres,
abandonarlo todo por miedo,
no convertir en realidad tus sueños.
Queda prohibido no demostrar tu amor,
hacer que alguien pague tus deudas y el mal humor.
Queda prohibido dejar a tus amigos,
no intentar comprender lo que vivieron juntos,
llamarles solo cuando los necesitas.
Queda prohibido no ser tú ante la gente,
fingir ante las personas que no te importan,
hacerte el gracioso con tal de que te recuerden,
olvidar a toda la gente que te quiere.
Queda prohibido no hacer las cosas por ti mismo,
no creer en Dios y hacer tu destino,
tener miedo a la vida y a sus compromisos,
no vivir cada día como si fuera un ultimo suspiro.
Queda prohibido echar a alguien de menos sin alegrarte,
olvidar sus ojos, su risa,
todo porque sus caminos han dejado de abrazarse,
olvidar su pasado y pagarlo con su presente.
Queda prohibido no intentar comprender a las personas,
pensar que sus vidas valen mas que la tuya,
no saber que cada uno tiene su camino y su dicha.
Queda prohibido no crear tu historia,
no tener un momento para la gente que te necesita,
no comprender que lo que la vida te da,
también te lo quita.
Queda prohibido no buscar tu felicidad,
no vivir tu vida con una actitud positiva,
no pensar en que podemos ser mejores,
no sentir que sin ti este mundo no sería igual.
Este poema se le atribute a Pablo Neruda aunque segun ciertos estudios se cree que pertenece a Alfredo Cuervo Barrero.
It is belived that this poem has been writen by Pablo Neruda. However, some currently studies show that it would probably be writen by Alfredo Cuervo Barrero
Monday, October 27
love is all around!!
That´s right, people drift away with their friends, with their families, their jobs because of love. Love is all around, love is utterly poweful, love changes lives.

For instance, what about The Beatles and Yoco Ono? what about The Doors and Pamela Courson? These are just some examples about famous great bands which slipt up because of infatuation of one of their members. However, not only are famous bands affected, but also common people, as myself, yourself.. , have been affected by the power of love.
which really impress me is the fact of some people are willing to do some kind of things that i reckon are a sheer madnes. i know several people who decided to leave their families their friends , everything just because love.
sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn´t and what´s next??
Tuesday, October 14
Next Sunday is my B-day!!!
I am trying to prepare my party, i would like to create sophisticated cocktails (jejejeje) , this is just my wish but i need some suggestions to make a cool party, a different one, you know. So you can give me any piece of advice, can´t you??
Wednesday, October 8
indie? anternativo? ..DELUXE

Deluxe es Xoel Lopez y Xoel Lopez es Deluxe y en mi opinion de lo mejorcito que tenemos en español en este momento de musica alternativa.
Xoel hace lo que quiere y como quiere. El compone y él lo canta, eso si, acompañado por el resto de musicos de Deluxe. Formo parte de varios grupos, muchos de ellos lideradandolos, pero como el mismo afirma en alguna de sus entrevistas no se acabaron entendiendo y lo dejo.

"Fin de un viaje infinito" y "Reconstruccion" son sus 2 ultimos trabajos y la verdad es que no tienen desperdicio. El estilo es similar ya que solo se llevan un año de diferencia. Anteriormente y en español encontramos "los jovenes mueren antes de tiempo" cuyo titulo tiene mucho que ver con varios amigos de Xoel que se suicidaron.

El no habla de su vida privada. Se sabe que tiene novia ,que tiene 26 ,que es de La Coruña y poco mas. Y no lo sabemos simplemente por que el no quiere porque este chico dice lo que le parece sin pensarselo 2 veces.
Recuerdo una entrevista que lei en que el periodista le preguntaba sobre el canon que habia puesto Zapatero y el chico respondia algo asi como que le parecia divinamente (como a todos los artistas) y que lo unico que no le parecia bien era que le pagasen mas a Ana Belén que a él. Otra de las suyas fue cuando le preguntaron con quien jamas iria a cenar y de esta respuesta si que me acuerdo: "Con Aznar, ni aunque me pagasen". Tan claras las letras de sus canciones como sus respuestas en entrevistas y eso con los tiempos que corren, gusta.
Muchos a estas alturas del post se preguntaran (o quiza hayan dejado ya de leer) .. y quien es Xoel Lopez?? jamas oi hablar de él, ni sus canciones... a toda esa gente le invito a que escuche "que no" y me cuenten si la han oido alguna vez o no.. Mas de una de sus canciones ha sido utilizada en campañas publicitarias, ha llegado hasta el mercado Japones, ha recibido varios premios, ha colaborado en varios programas de radio sobre musica de las ultimas decadas, y ha desmostrado con mucha naturalidad que entiende del tema. Los organizadores de muchos de los mas importantes festivales se peleaban por tener en su cartel a Deluxe. Tras su actuacion en Benicasim esta es una de la reseñas que se publicaron :
"Su tercer disco "Los jóvenes mueren antes de tiempo" está integramente compuesto en español y en él refleja el lado más oscuro de la realidad. Destacan en este disco las guitarras acústicas y eléctricas junto con la voz cercana. No es su disco más digerible ni tampoco el más facil de escuchar, pero es el más personal y tan sólo por ello vale la pena."
Por si alguien no se conforma con esto y prefiere juzgar por si mismo a Deluxe yo le recomendaria de su discografia:
historia universal (el amor no es lo que piensas), que no, reconstruccion, los pajaros negros, adios corazón ... para ir empezando
Podria contaos mil cosas sobre Xoel Lopez y sobre Deluxe pero prefiero que lo descubrais por vosotros mismos. No es de los mas conocidos xo si de los mas grandes.
mas info: http://www.xoel.com/
Friday, September 26
Amy´s rules
Please, can anyone that doesn´t know who is Amy Winehouse put his /hers hands up??In spite of not seeing you, i bet that you don´t put your hands up!! That is clear, Amy has become one of the most popular celebrities all over the world because her addictions and scandals.

However, she is a great artist, her voice is unique!! Unfortunately, most people has known first Amy´s scandals than Amy´s music.

This British girl started her musical carrear when she was only 16. Nowadays, she is 25 and she continues her carrear in spite of the fact that she nearly died last June due to an overdose.
Her addiction not only did she cause the worst public image that you can imagine , but it also caused her several problems with other celebrities or designers such as Harvey Nicholson who put Amy in his hit list after vomiting in her $ 47 000 dress designed by him. ((She should earn a lot of money if she can afford a $47 000 dress every night!! ))

Moreover, she has been really criticed by the media about her dirty (sometimes scruffy) appearence. However, you can´t image how many Amy´s trends become really stylish ones these days. For instance, what about this neckerchief used instead of hair bands?? What about scruffy jean shorts? I know that it was fashionable sometime ago, but maybe she contributed to increase its popularity.
I reckon that she is a great artist and i really like her music, but what I really love from her is its personality and the way she uses it in her own benefit. Because being a celebrity, you are half recognised by your work and half recognised by your life, and.. basically this second part helps (a lot) to become a well-know artist!
Wednesday, September 24
partying? Ask 4 snake bit!!
Snake bite is as popular in U.K as Calimoxo is in Spain. There are lots of varieties of snake bite cocktail, but I will tell just one. In spite of the fact that you may think that this mixure of ingredients would create a disgusting cocktail such as Bloody Mary ( for handovers) I promise you, that you first impression will have nothing to do with the impression you will have when you tasted it, trust me !!
You just need:
apple cider ( sidra inglesa, es como cerveza rubia pero mas acida )
a large ( cerveza rubia )
a bottle of raspberry ( granadina) it is also possible strawberry
a bottle of orange juice (zumo de naranja)
a shot of a spirit (un chupito de algun licor) it could be tekila, vozka ...
Mix the same quantity of cider and lager (more less half pint) and add one quarter of raspberry juice. The other quarter is a shot of spirit and the rest is orange juice. Mix it all !!
Mezcla la misma cantidad de sidra que de cerveza, aproximadamente la mitad del vaso. Luego añade un cuarto de vaso de granadina , añade un chupito de licor y rellena con naranja. Mezclalo todo bien y listo!!!
Tuesday, September 23
Candem is a MUST !
I have plenty of good memories about the time I live in London, but one of the places that really impressed me was CANDEM TOWN!!
Candem Town is a part of a Londoner neighbourhood, Candem which stands out for the amazing mixure of different people. If you visit London, to visit Candem should be nearly compulsury.

This is the authentic essence of CANDEM TOWN. A mixure of different cultures and life styles such as punks, goths, urbans... Whatever is possible here, in Candem Town. This is exactly which makes it an outstanding place!!

Which makes it really remarkable is that Candem is one of the biggest concentrations of vintage and retro clothing outlets in London and probably Europe, a popular centre for discerning visitors from around the world. Not only are there plenty of shops but also, there is a wonderful market, called Candem Lock, where you can find music, clothes, and some types of items. One of the most popular are Pope which is a legal drug which makes you laugh like a join can do.

To decorate any home and give as wonderful gifts, explore a selection of home furnishings, unique fabrics, paintings and prints. Made-to-order & handcrafted mirrors and frames are also available in shops and in Candem Lock.

more info: www.camdenlock.net
Candem Town is a part of a Londoner neighbourhood, Candem which stands out for the amazing mixure of different people. If you visit London, to visit Candem should be nearly compulsury.

This is the authentic essence of CANDEM TOWN. A mixure of different cultures and life styles such as punks, goths, urbans... Whatever is possible here, in Candem Town. This is exactly which makes it an outstanding place!!

Which makes it really remarkable is that Candem is one of the biggest concentrations of vintage and retro clothing outlets in London and probably Europe, a popular centre for discerning visitors from around the world. Not only are there plenty of shops but also, there is a wonderful market, called Candem Lock, where you can find music, clothes, and some types of items. One of the most popular are Pope which is a legal drug which makes you laugh like a join can do.

To decorate any home and give as wonderful gifts, explore a selection of home furnishings, unique fabrics, paintings and prints. Made-to-order & handcrafted mirrors and frames are also available in shops and in Candem Lock.
I remember the first time I went there, it was amusing! in some occasions I felt really puzzled due to this "odd" people that I wasn´t used to see!! Of course, I noticed that there you can find several items that nowhere you will find them again. Some of the most stylish celebrities in U.K , such Kate Moss or Pete Doherty( which style absolutely matches with Candem, doesn´t it?? ) go to Candem from time to time to do some shopping. If you have been there, you probably agree with me that this is a unique place to get things that you may have never thought that they exist!!
Most businesses are open from 10am until at least 6pm seven days a week. Moreover, tatoo or piercing shops are really common as well as second hand clothing.
One of the most remarkable shops is one where the shopassistants are still and wearing cyber punk (futuristic) clothes ( I can´t quite remember the name). Which makes it different is the fact of none of these shopassistants are allowed to move until you asked for something.

Apart from the shopping, Candem offers a great variety of Pubs, most of them have been created for a very especific clientele. The Devonshire, or The Dev to its friends, is the perfect example of a pub with a clearly defined niche clientele - in this case it's your average Goth - Cyberpunk type. The sign on the door says 'strict dress code only' and they mean it - any colour you like so long as it's black. Do not wear a suit in here unless you are being post-modern.
There are plenty of things to talk about Candem. However, go there and discover them by yourself!!!!!

more info: www.camdenlock.net
Monday, September 22
i did it!!!
yeah! I did it!
This is my blog!!!!!
I have to recognise that I have always thought about creating a blog but today I go ahead with my idea. It is not easy to have a amazing content blog, to have time to post frecuently and of course to do in English!!
However, this is my challenge and I will try to do my best!
This is my blog!!!!!
I have to recognise that I have always thought about creating a blog but today I go ahead with my idea. It is not easy to have a amazing content blog, to have time to post frecuently and of course to do in English!!
However, this is my challenge and I will try to do my best!
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