Monday, October 12

Cory madness

do u know Cory Kennedy???? I do, and, belive me, when you know her you ll not forget it no longer. she was a 16-years old girl when she started her model carrear. She became so popular because of social networks, i mean, facebook, twitter, msn spaces... and she also had her own fotolog called where she download fotograghs of herself
in routine life. sometimes, really routine life like eating greasy hamburgers, very drunk and some times really high. she has a special life.. you can find it on the internet.

conoces a cory kennedy?? yo si, y la verdad cuando sabes de ella es dificil olvidarlo. tenia 16años cuando empezo su carrera de modelo. se conviertió en un personaje popular por las redes sociales, como facebook twitter, msn spaces... ademas tenia un fotolog llamado: donde subia fotos personales de su vida diaria. en algunos casos, demasiado personales como comiendo una grasienta hamburguesa, muy pedo, o hasta arriba de todo. ella tiene una vida muy especial, puedes encontrarla en la red.

she doesnt care too much about her public appearence actually she wears really "different" as the way rest of models do, sometimes in a scruffy way. however, she is the inspiration of lots os girls, who considers her like a fashion icon to follow.

cory no se preocupa mucho de su imagen publica, aparece vistiendo realmente diferente a como suelen vestir el resto de las modelos, muchas veces, muy desaliñada. sin embargo, es la inspiracion de muchas chicas quien la consideran un icono de moda a seguir.

guess what ??this is also cory, there are some differences, aren´t there??

adivina que? esta es una fotografia de cory, hay algunas diferencias no??

the point is that she is famous because all of this. she is different, and the diferent is cool!!


la verdad es que es famosa por cosas como estas. ella es diferente y lo diferente mola.


Sunday, October 4

hola!! os dejo este video de youtube que me gustaria compartir con vstr@s. espero que os guste o al mens os "impacte" tanto como a mi.

hello! this is a video that i really want to share to you. i hope you ll like this one or at less it ll shock you as the same way it shocked me

Wednesday, September 16

liskula wins

segun se lee ultimamente por internet, la modelo canadiense Liskula Cohen ha denunciado a google por un blog que se dedicaba enteramente a meterse con ella. este blog llamado 'Skanks in NYC, algo asi como putillas de nueva york era "regentado" por un blogger obsesionado con su persona. este blog ya ha sido cerrado y parece ser que la modelo ha ganado la batalla en la justicia por la cual podra conocer al blogger.

unos de los comentarios que se podian leer era (para que os hagais una idea):

“En primer lugar diría que el premio para la más zorra de Nueva York, es para Liskula Gentil Cohen”.

que os parece este uso de blogger??

recently, it is known that, the canadian top model Liskula Cohen has reported Google because of a blog called "Skanks in NYC" was completely dedicated to insult her. the indentity of the blogger will be known by the model because of the rule in favour of her.

what is your opinion about this use of blogger???

Thursday, August 20

i´m lovin it

me confieso fan de la casa BALMAIN!!!!!!!
siempre hacen colecciones sobresalientes. es cierto que quiza no arriesgan excesivamente como hacen en otras casa, de acuerdo, pero no es necesario, conocen a la mujer y tiene un sentido de la moda de lo mas elegante. os dejo un par de diseños que me han cautivado



i have discoved that Balmain is my favourite fashion brand. all their collections are outstanding and they are always right!!they know what women want and they are one of the smartest companies! here you are some examples

Wednesday, August 19

cara o culo??

acabo de leer esto:

habla sobre la dieta que llevan ciertas modelos. dietas que consisten en beber fumar tomar cafe y champan y comer lo minimo para ser lo suficientemente delgadas como para poder subir a una pasarela.

lo mas remarcable es un comentario (muy cierto) del filosofo americano Jerry Hall; "at a certain point, a woman needs to choose between her face and her ass." Es decir, en un determinado momento, una mujer tiene que elegir entre su cara y su culo.

os habeis fijado en la cara de muchas modelos de pasarela?? totalmente inexpresiva.

Sunday, August 2

nooooooo :(

oh my godness!! soy una jodida vieja!!

hoy lo he visto claro, una resaca insufrible, cansancio, no querer salir un sabdo, llegar a casa a la hora que quieras, HACER RECLAMACIONES!! ver como las nuevas generaciones hacen las cosas que tu hacias antes...

dios mio !! sty profundamente hundida. cuando se ha visto esto??

beber (sin esconderse) salir, conducir, votar, irse de vacaciones ... no hay diferencias entre mis pdres y yo!!!!!

Sunday, June 28


at the same time i stop, people carry on quicklier

meanwhile i walk, world is going around non stop.

Sunday, June 21


un grupo de soldados se encontraban en plena guerra en la selva. el comandante decidio la retirada ya que las cosas pintaban mal. al oirlo un soldado le dijo:

_señor,no es posible aun hay soldados ahi fuera. solicito permiso para ir a buscar a mi compañero.
_ permiso denegado. No puedo permitir que un soldado arriesgue la vida por buscar a otro que muy posiblemente ya este muerto.

sin hacer ningun caso, el soldado salio corriendo hacia la selva a buscar a su amigo.

unas horas despues, este aparecio con el cadaver de su compañero. al verlo el comandante dijo:

_¿ cree que ha merecido la pena correr ese peligro, soldado?
_por supuesto comandande_ respondio el soldado. cuando lo encontre aun esta vivo y me dijo : sabrian que vendrias...

Saturday, June 20


i have found this amazing blog for you, SHOPAHOLIC!!! which constains hundred of wonderful whole looks. i really love it !!! also, it is possible to request a perfect look for a special moment. moreover, you can copy celebrities style for a few euros!!! great!!


Monday, May 18

Zp se aprieta el cinturon

El pasado domingo Zapatero protagonizo otro debate como inicio de la campana de las elecciones europeas. El lider de la politica social ha ofrecido ayudas para la compra de coches. 500 euros que pondra el gobierno + 1000 que pondrán las compañias de automoviles.

500 euros los mismo que costaba el cinturon de marca de lujo Hermes (xa costar 500 euros tiene k serlo) que llevaba nuestro amigo Zp.

y digo yo... no habria ningun otro cinturon mas economico xa los tiempos que corren , no se, de 200 euros de 100 o de 50? con el que apretarse el cinturon?????

Wednesday, May 6

death note

this is serie that i have already finished and i strong recommend you, specially if you like anime. i m not really keen on manga or anime but i felt really hooked since the firsts episodes

light, the main character, is a teenager when the story starts. he found a note which had the power of kill everyone whose name was write there. for that reason, it was called death note. if you want to know what light did with the death note, watch it!!

not only is it a wonderful ficcion serie,but it is also a complicated story that needs a explanation to be undestand. don´t worry!! light will explain to you

it´s up to you!!

i recommend you to watch the original version adding subtitles.

Tuesday, May 5

most shocking cover ever

Some weeks ago, i read an article about what where the most shocking cd covers ever done!!!
controversy, original, not polically correct,.. however, uniques!! some of them has been banned, some of them has been criticized non stop, some of them must have been changed.

one of the most shocking cover was appetite of destruction by guns´n´ roses. the picture shows a robot which had raped a girl. the social repercussion made change the cover into :

another polemic cover was ¿donde jugaran las niñas? by Molotov. lots of shops denied buying it. for that reason, molotov components sold their cd in the streets, selling about 3000 in just 4 hours.

this is the 9th the beatles cd and the 1st one that made society to shock!!
the picture shows paul, ringo, john and george surround by raw pieces of meat and the head and bodies of dolls!
just a bit more :

the whole an original spanish article is :

Thursday, March 19

congratulations Pe!

a spanish actress has won an oscar!!! spaniards must be happy!!

penelope cruz is the most international and well-recognised spanish actress nowadays. i can´t quite understand why lot of people in Spain don´t like her.

that´s true that she has not felt so enthusiastic about spanish press and its journalists. maybe, because they have more interests about gossiping than asking for her work as actress.

she also has been critized because she never wears spanish designer dress. however, to me, she is free to choose the dress that fits her!! stop critizing, please !!

i reckon that penelope is a very good actress and i am very proud of her

this is a linf of oscars awards ceremony when P.C collets the best supporting actress award :