Monday, May 18

Zp se aprieta el cinturon

El pasado domingo Zapatero protagonizo otro debate como inicio de la campana de las elecciones europeas. El lider de la politica social ha ofrecido ayudas para la compra de coches. 500 euros que pondra el gobierno + 1000 que pondrán las compañias de automoviles.

500 euros los mismo que costaba el cinturon de marca de lujo Hermes (xa costar 500 euros tiene k serlo) que llevaba nuestro amigo Zp.

y digo yo... no habria ningun otro cinturon mas economico xa los tiempos que corren , no se, de 200 euros de 100 o de 50? con el que apretarse el cinturon?????

Wednesday, May 6

death note

this is serie that i have already finished and i strong recommend you, specially if you like anime. i m not really keen on manga or anime but i felt really hooked since the firsts episodes

light, the main character, is a teenager when the story starts. he found a note which had the power of kill everyone whose name was write there. for that reason, it was called death note. if you want to know what light did with the death note, watch it!!

not only is it a wonderful ficcion serie,but it is also a complicated story that needs a explanation to be undestand. don´t worry!! light will explain to you

it´s up to you!!

i recommend you to watch the original version adding subtitles.

Tuesday, May 5

most shocking cover ever

Some weeks ago, i read an article about what where the most shocking cd covers ever done!!!
controversy, original, not polically correct,.. however, uniques!! some of them has been banned, some of them has been criticized non stop, some of them must have been changed.

one of the most shocking cover was appetite of destruction by guns´n´ roses. the picture shows a robot which had raped a girl. the social repercussion made change the cover into :

another polemic cover was ¿donde jugaran las niñas? by Molotov. lots of shops denied buying it. for that reason, molotov components sold their cd in the streets, selling about 3000 in just 4 hours.

this is the 9th the beatles cd and the 1st one that made society to shock!!
the picture shows paul, ringo, john and george surround by raw pieces of meat and the head and bodies of dolls!
just a bit more :

the whole an original spanish article is :